Star Trek: DS9’s Cardassian Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy: Elim Garak explained

Cardassian Elim Garak (Andrew Robinson) was more than a simple tailor on Star Trek: Deep Space 9. With its premiere in 1993, Star Trek: Deep Space 9 introduced a darker tone to Star Trek, with its morally gray characters and lengthy Dominion War storyline. Introduced in DS9 season 1, episode 3, “Past Prologue,” Garak was one of the show’s most lasciviously gray characters, but he nevertheless became a fan favorite. Despite appearing in only 33 of 176 episodes, Garak remains one of the show’s most memorable and beloved characters.

The Cardassians were introduced as villains on Star Trek: The Next Generation and remained enemies of the Federation for most of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. DS9 more fully explored the Cardassians, showing that, as with most species, not all are the same. Garak was a tailor aboard Deep Space 9 and befriended several station personnel, including Dr. Julian Bashir (Alexander Siddig) and Constable Odo (René Auberjonois). Garak also had a dark history that became useful during the Dominion War.

Garak Was A Cardassian Spy Before Becoming Star Trek: DS9’s Tailor

“Do you know what the sad part is, Odo? I’m a very good tailor.”

Before the events of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Garak was a high-ranking member of the Cardassian intelligence agency known as the Obsidian Order. Garak’s father, Enabran Tain (Paul Dooley), was head of the Order and raised Garak in his image. Tain mistreated Garak as a child and refused to acknowledge the adult Garak as his son. Garak once spent time on Romulus posing as a Gardener at the Cardassian Embassy. Although several prominent Romulans died while Garak was there, the Cardassian never confirmed or denied his involvement.

While working for the Obsidian Order, Garak became an expert interrogator, and his skills for lying and misdirection were well-known. At some point, Garak betrayed Tain, who tried to have him killed. Garak managed to escape but was exiled from Cardassia Prime and took up residence on Terok Nor (later known as Deep Space 9). Once the Cardassians left Terok Nor and Starfleet took over, Garak set up a tailor’s shop on the Promenade. Garak hated exile because he loved Cardassia and desperately wanted to return.

Why Garak Fought With Starfleet In DS9’s Dominion War

“That’s Why You Came To Me, Isn’t It, Captain? Because You Knew I Could Do Those Things That You Weren’t Capable Of Doing.”

Star Trek DS9 In the Pale Moonlight Sisko Garak

Despite being Cardassian, Garak fought alongside Starfleet during the Dominion War. When Starfleet was forced to withdraw from Bajoran space, Garak joined the crew of the USS Defiant, saying that he did not want to live on the space station while it was under the command of Gul Dukat (Marc Alaimo). Throughout his time on Deep Space Nine, Garak formed friendships with many of the station’s crew members; some had even come to trust him. Garak fought alongside his Starfleet friends not because he hated Cardassia but because he believed defeating the Dominion was the best course of action.

Not only did Garak’s knowledge of the Cardassian tactics prove essential during the war, but his background as a spy and assassin established his significance, making him an invaluable resource. In DS9 season 6, episode 19, “In the Pale Moonlight,” Garak infamously helped coerce the Romulans into joining the Dominion War by fabricating evidence and assassinating a Romulan senator. Garak spent the latter part of the Dominion War decoding Cardassian transmissions for Starfleet Intelligence. Although he was troubled that his actions would likely lead to Cardassian deaths, he understood that defeating the Dominion was best for everyone involved.

What Happens To Garak After Star Trek: DS9

“The Truth Is Usually Just An Excuse For Lack Of Imagination.”

When the United Federation of Planets planned an invasion of Cardassia Prime near the end of the Dominion War, Garak helped lead a civilian uprising on Cardassia. After the Dominion wiped out a Cardassian city in retaliation, the Cardassian soldiers began turning against the Dominion, shifting the tide of the battle. Once the Dominion War ended, Garak decided to remain on Cardassia, presumably to aid in the reconstruction efforts. With over 800 million Cardassians dead and much of the infrastructure destroyed, Garak lamented that Cardassia would never be the same. Still, he acknowledged that his people had also caused much harm.

Garak’s last conversation on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was with Dr. Julian Bashir, who he called “such a good friend,” adding that he was “going to miss [their] lunches together.”

Although Star Trek: Deep Space 9 did not reveal much about what happened to Garak after the conclusion of the series, several Star Trek tie-in novels have told more of Garak’s story. In A Stitch in Time by Andrew Robinson, Garak remained on Cardassia, aiding in the planet’s recovery and helping push for democratic reforms to the government. In other novels, Garak eventually became the Cardassian Ambassador to the Federation. Regardless, Garak would likely remain on Cardassia for the foreseeable future, considering how much he cared for his planet and missed it during his exile.

Garak Returns In Star Trek: Lower Decks — With A Twist

“In Some Dimensions, I’m A Tailor…”

Throughout Star Trek: Lower Decks season 5, Starfleet has been searching for the cause of numerous quantum fissures that have opened wormholes to the multiverse across the galaxy. Lower Decks season 5, episode 9, “Fissure Quest,” reveals that Section 31’s Captain William Boimler (Jack Quaid) has assembled a crew of alternate universe Starfleet officers to investigate these rifts. Among Captain Boimler’s crew is none other than Elim Garak, who serves as the ship’s surgeon on the starship Anaximander. This Garak is a brilliant surgeon, but he does mention that he’s a tailor “in some dimensions.”

While on the Anaximander, Garak met an Emergency Medical Hologram of Dr. Julian Bashir, and the two got married. When Garak goes to rescue his crewmates (who have been captured by “feral Khwopians”), Dr. Bashir protests that Garak is “just a surgeon,” to which the Cardassian replies, “I am a surgeon, but not just.” Garak proves himself a capable fighter in any universe, taking out the Khwopians and rescuing his crew. Garak remains one of Star Trek: Deep Space 9’s most significant characters, and his return in Star Trek: Lower Decks is a pitch-perfect comeback for the lovable, morally gray Cardassian.

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