The void

Every day, I wake up and I feel this pain in my chest, it’s not a physical pain, but the weight of an emptiness that I acutely feel every day. And it wears on me. The pain of caring too much, and I can’t help but wonder, who else actually, really and truly cares about my feelings? Actually cares enough to make a difference? And don’t insult my intelligence by patronizing me either, I’m tired of…

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Washington DC – Same-sex marriage supporters take a selfie in front of the Supreme Court as they wait for the court to legalize same-sex marriages nationwide on Friday, June 26, 2015. In a 5-4 decision, the US Supreme Court legalized gay marriage nationwide, citing the constitutions equal protection clause as their rational. Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote the majority opinion: “No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family,” he wrote. “In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were.”




Designer Creates A Font That Emulates The Frustrations Of Dyslexia

Unlike most fonts, which prioritize easy and swift readability, graphic designer Daniel Britton’s recent creation does just the opposite. Meant to raise awareness for dyslexia, the font strips letters of their qualities that make them easily recognizable. An “A” is transformed to resemble an upside-down “V”; a “D” is turned into a backwards “C.” The result is a jumble of shapes that takes extra time and concentration to interpret.

