Kelmendi: ‘how you farm gold this game?’
Piestyr: ‘you need a pickaxe’
Deathpalerider: ‘go to a farm land as a farmer’
Photovolt: ‘with fertilizer’
Threefive: ‘plant agold seed..’
Atilah: ‘i tried planting sausage seeds once.. nothing happened’
Kilohertz: ‘kill mobs, sell trash, learn to work the AH like a sleeezy ambulance chasing lawyer.’
Bergion: ‘^’
Mauritcio: ‘lol true kilo’
Deathpalerider: ‘sleeezy ambulance chasing lawyer to true’
Month: May 2016
It’s a couple years from now, the chips are on the line, the multiverse is at stake, again… only this time it all comes down to Batman. He defeats the ultimate evil of the DC universe, only to find himself launched through time… into a strangely familiar city. Scrambling to find some clothes after his costume got destroyed by Z-rays in the epic final battle, he nabs some threads off a…
Can you lick the science? An abbreviated list.
Genetics: Do not. Unless cheek swabs?
Chemistry: NO!!!!! DO NOT!!!!!!
Archaeology: Perhaps. But might be human bone.
Geology: Sometimes needed, sometimes dangerous
Psychology: Best not.
Physics: ????????? How??????
Zoology: In zoology, science licks you.
Anthropology: Maybe ask first.
Herpetology: bad plan bad plan BAD PLAN
Sociology: Yes, if you have time and dedication and a willingness to piss a lot of people off.
Botany: You might hallucinate or die, OR it might be delicious
Computer Science: the tingle of electricity on your tongue is how you know it’s working
Linguistics: Despite the name, please probably don’t.
Engineering: Maybe, but it’ll probably taste like spreadsheets
Software engineering: nothing else has made the code work so you might as well try it
Neuroscience: that is someone’s brain. no. do not
Marine biology: you can try, but you’ll probably just get a mouthful of seawater
These are brilliant!