16 Things You Need To Know Before You Date An Introvert

16 Things You Need To Know Before You Date An Introvert

By: Brianna Wiest

1. Some of us have very outgoing personalities. We don’t always come across as the stereotypical introvert. We can be social butterflies and charming dates and then need a few days alone to recoup.

2. Listen when we say we’re uncomfortable with something. It may seem like a simple task — to venture out to a party, to make a speech at a friend’s wedding, to put ourselves on…

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The Hanging Tree


The Hanging Tree was written by Suzanne Collins, the author of The Hunger Gamesseries of novels. Tonight, I just saw Mockingjay with Nicole and the song/poem is featured, at the end of the film I was informed that she liked the song and wanted to see some meme’s of the song, I searched and didn’t find any sufficient to share, I felt they were all amateurish in design and execution. Now that’s not…

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