
How…how long do you think that Harry Potter will last?

I just

Do you think that it’s going to be something like Disney?

Do you think that 80+ years into the future, we’re still going to be enjoying the stories and the theories and the different adaptations?

Do you think that people will share old photos of J.K. Rowling who has long since gone onto her next adventure?

Do you think that our grandchildren and their grandchildren will know the stories of The Boy Who Lived?

Do you think that it’ll be something like Shakespeare in that sense?

Forever adapted over the centuries?

Four hundred years from now, are kids going to be regarding Harry Potter as an ancient series?

Am I having some sort of weird existential crisis about the length of Harry Potter’s legacy?

I think that the answer to all of these questions is yes.




Post-it Notes Left on the Train

Writer and illustrator October Jones, the creative genius behind Text From Dog and these funny train commute doodles, is at it again with these hilarious motivational post-it notes that he leaves on the train and in other random places.The upbeat doodles, which star Jones’ adorable character Peppy the Inspirational Cat, convey positive and funny messages meant to motivate daily commuters. Whether you’re feeling the Monday blues or in need of some encouragement, Jones’ delightful post-it notes are sure to brighten your day and remind you just how awesome you are.

Via My Modern Metropolis 

I’m glad I refound this I needed it

This is just fucking awesome. And I’m not a fan of motivational shit like this at all.

Still amazaballs!