
So let me tell you about the shittiest parent on the motherfucking planet.

I work at a grocery store and this man comes in with his 11 year old son. He buys a pack a cigarettes and a two cases of beer. The son was holding a two dollar drawing pad and placed it on the belt and I guess the dad didn’t notice it at first but when I was about to scan the pad he asked where’d it have come from and turned towards the kid and asked “Did you put that shit up there?”. He told me to put it back and then told his 11 year old child that he “ain’t paying for that gay ass notebook.”.  So I looked at the kid, who was close to tears and saying how he ran out of paper at home and my heart broke. So I gave the pad to him, for free, and told the dad I would take care of it. I gave the kid some tokens for a game outside and said I would look forward to buying some of his drawings and paintings when he’s all famous. He kids face was so priceless and I thought everything was good. But then, about 10 ten minutes after giving the kid his notebook, I walked outside and saw this. The drawing pad all ripped up and tossed on the pavement. I could only imagine what happened in the parking lot, but I know that that poor kid heart is fucking ripped apart, just like this pad.

I’m fucking horrified that there are parents like this, who, just because it’s not masculine or gender specificthey won’t let their children follow their true passions or explore interests that lead to their happiness. Even more so, I’m horrified that parents don’t care about the fine arts anymore because it doesn’t have job security. Since when did it ever matter to a child if their passion makes them money or not? Parenting is about supporting whatever makes your child happy. Have some fucking consideration for your child’s wants not your homophobic and anti-art ideals. 

Dafuq is wrong with this parent?


First and foremost, please know I do not encourage or condone self harm. I encourage anyone struggling with SH to please seek help and move towards recovery. That said, having been disordered myself for about 12 years I know recovery takes time and it takes much more than someone telling you “just don’t” to stop. I’ve been working in the medical field as a nursing assistant for 4 years, and wanted to share what I know for when dangerous situations arise. If you are ever in doubt, do not hesitate to call 911. I will be posting an eating disorder and substance abuse version of this in the near future. 


First Aid:

For cuts:

  1. Apply direct pressure to the area to stop the bleeding. If the cuts are on a limb, hold it above your heart.
  2. If the cut is wide or deep, hold the sides of the injury together 
  3. Clean the area with warm water and soap
  4. Apply an antibiotic ointment (such as Neosporin)
  5. Apply a sterile bandage or wrap over the area
For burns:
  1. Cool the area with low pressure cool running water or cool cloths for several minutes. Do not use ice, oil, or butter. Burned areas are weak and may become frostbitten easily. Oil or butter will trap the heat in. 
  2. Remove all jewelry and tight fitting clothing as soon as possible – the swelling may make it hard to remove later. If clothing is stuck to your burn, do not try to pull it off.
  3. If you wish, treat with a topical water soluble burn cream to reduce pain. After 2-3 days, you can use aloe.
  4. Do not pop blisters
  5. Wear loose fitting clothing while healing 

Call 911:

  • If a cut is spurting blood in time to your heart beat, you have hit an artery. Call 911 and do not remove pressure from the area. 
  • If the cut is deep or over a joint
  • If you have lost sensation in the area of injury
  • If you continue to bleed heavily after taking the above steps
  • If you can see yellow fatty tissue or underlying muscle (will look like a slab of meat)
  • If it is hard to hold the sides of the cut together
  • If something is stuck in your wound/burn (in the case of something being in your cut, hold the sides together around the object and do not attempt to remove it)
  • You were burned using a chemical

For #PositiveSubversion