If you cannot find a friend who is good, wise, and loving, walk alone, like a king who has renounced his kingdom, or an elephant roaming at will in the forest.
Month: March 2013
Everyday is a struggle.
Everyday, a piece of my dies.
Everyday, a piece of you fades away.
Everyday, I miss you just a little more.In my deepest, darkest places,
Is no beast to be afraid of.No, I let him out of his cage, willingly,
Full well knowing the havoc he would create.
This has always creeped me out on a major level. (Yet I love the movie)
Apple Maps struck this road?
WOWMatrix – What a hidden gem to find!
http://www.wowmatrix.com/download is a pretty damned cool tool for me. Had to document it so I didn’t loose it.
The Four Agreements
The Four Agreements
Nothing more needs to be said. Simple, elegant words to live by.
i just realized that the voice in my head when i read things isn’t my own voice omg whose is it
Whomever you are reading, that’s who’s voice it is. If it’s a neutral voice, I just pretend it’s Morgan Freeman or James Earl Jones.