Hey there
I’m just gonna put there here for no one in particular.
Bite me. Going from my HTC One S to my iPhone was like going from an 8088 to a 16-core i7 Mac Desktop with 64gb of ram. Shit is *so* much faster. My phone doesn’t overheat and shut off, it doesn’t reboot for no reason and apps rarely crash. Unlike my One S, all of the above happened several times a day (and coming from someone who loves Linux, android sucks when carriers “tweak” it.
Why do I learn more about math from Tumblr than my 12+ years of formal education????????
No math teacher ever taught me this trick. Got damn.
This is great and all if you know how to subtract things from 100
*whimpers at the simplicity of this*
3.9 – Family of Blood
This was a really good episode. With that in mind, I do have to say this. I really liked Christopher Eccleston’s carefree older/badboy attitude, I found it socially attractive and I can see why his companions were attracted to him for it. But, I really liked David Tennants character, he was slightly younger, yet still mature and still carefree, but there was this darker “don’t piss me the fuck off” and brooding attitude that made him much more attractive. He alluded to his secrets more but never gave enough (and that always kept you/us/them/everyone) coming back for more.
I don’t like Matt Smith at all, I think he’s a bad Doctor all around. He gives too much of the mystery behind “The Doctor” mythos away, and while this is vastely interesting, it takes away from the mystique that is “The Doctor.”