Violet Beauregarde should’ve won Wonka’s chocolate factory

1. She’s the most knowledgeable about candy. She’s committed to it and knows her stuff. When Wonka holds up a little yellow piece across the room, she recognizes it immediately. She was able to switch to candy bars for the sake of the contest, so we know she has personal discipline and is goal-oriented. Also, two significant projects play directly into her strong suits: the 3-course-meal gum that Wonka failed to make safe (gum) and the neverending gobstopper (longevity).

2. She’s the most fit to run a business. Violet is competitive, determined, hard-working, and willing to take risks. Her father is a small-town car salesman and politician, so she could easily pick up his knowledge and support. (Veruca’s dad is also a businessman and in a compatible market (nuts), but it’s made very clear that Veruca has no respect or knowledge of business practices or hard work.)

3. She’s the most sympathetic to the Oompa Loompas. She critiques Veruca when Veruca demands to buy one. More importantly, Wonka has been testing the 3-course-meal gum that ‘always goes wrong’ on Oompa Loompas while he presumably just watches. Violet is ready to put herself on the front line instead of treating the Oompa Loompas as disposable and would be a better boss.

4. Her personality ‘flaw’ fits the company most. In the moralizing Oompa Loompa song, they just say, ‘Gum is pretty cool, but it’s not socially acceptable to chew it all day.’ We already know she can stop if she wants because she has already done that to win the golden ticket. And yeah, she is defensive about the perceived impoliteness of her hobby (like when her mother tries to shame her about her habit during a televised interview). Still, the obsession with candy and neglect of social norms is EXACTLY what Wonka is all about. This is on-brand.

5. Her misstep in the factory is reasonable. Wonka shows everyone a candy he’s very proud of. Violet says, “Oh sick, that’s gum, my special interest.” Wonka then pulls a “WRONG! It’s amazing gum!” So, in the very moments before she takes the gum, Wonka has misled her just to belittle her. So when he’s like, “I wouldn’t do that,” why should she give a shit what he has to say? She’s not like Charlie over here, who’s all “Sure, Gramps, let’s stay behind while the tour leaves and secretly drink this thing that has been explicitly stated to fill you with gas and is too powerful for safe consumption, and also I just saw what happened to Violet so I actually KNOW what this stuff can be capable of” Also, Violet is not selfish about her experience, she tells everyone what she’s tasting and feeling, and everyone is eager to hear it. Taking a personal risk to share knowledge with everyone.

Violet is Prometheus: fact.

So Augustus contaminates the Chocolate River.

Charlie sneaks around and contaminates the vent walls. Veruca destroys and disrupts the workspace.

Mike knows exactly what will happen to him and deliberately transports/shrinks himself. Violet had no idea what the gum could potentially do to her and caused no harm to anyone or anything but herself.

Lastly, Can you imagine Charlie filling Wonka’s shoes? That passive, naive boy? Violet is already basically Wonka. She’s passionate, sarcastic, candy-obsessed, free-thinking, and a firecracker. She’s even better than Wonka because she doesn’t endanger others.

Violet should’ve been picked to inherit the chocolate factory.