2023: Disney buys the remaining 33% of shares from Comcast 1
2024: Disney buys 9% equity stake in Epic Games
2025: Disney buys Dreamworks.
2026: Disney buys Sony. Playstation rebranded as Disney Infinity. Playstation Network rebranded as Disney Universe
2028: Disney attempts to buy Warner Bros; W.B. says no
2028: Disney attempts to buy W.B. through Shell Corps; W.B. finds out and gets hostile
2030: Disney buys Apple. Apple Watch rebranded as the Mickey Watch
2031: The Church of Baby Yoda is the fastest-growing religion in the world.
2031: Disney acquires a private military and starts corporate espionage on a large scale
2032: Disney storms Warner Bros.’s headquarters. Few die because of the electronic surveillance provided by the “Apple” products most W.B. employees use.
2033: Disney buys D.C. Comics. Mickey Mouse is now more powerful than Superman.
2034: Disney owns the majority of the copyrighted material. It buys off the E.U., U.S., and other major powers to honor unlimited copyright for corporate ownership.
2035: Disney buys Microsoft. The Disney Universe has expanded further, and Master Chief is now a Disney Princess.
2038: In the midst of negotiations for a takeover, Google launches an escape craft. It departs the solar system, and its destination is unknown. Google takes with it the most powerful Artificial Intelligence ever constructed, GeminiX. No traces of it remain on earth, and critical infrastructure begins to fail.
2040: Counter Disney efforts take place. The War of the Black Market starts.
2041: Disney claims that small studios head up Black Market efforts. Starts forced corporate takeovers.
2042: “Terrorist” attacks on Disney start.
2045: Nuclear explosion destroys The World Captial of Disney, Orlando, Florida. Everything south of Orlando, from coast to coast, is an irradiated wasteland. Black Market Terrorists blamed.
2046: Hollywood turns into a war zone. Due to the die-off of actors, all releases for the next ten years are forty-year-old CGI Tech. Disney begins genetically engineered farms, growing the next generation of Hollywood actors.
2050: Disney buys the United States of America.
2051: The Disney States of America (D.S.A.) is born.
2052: Disney nukes Hollywood.
2055: The D.S.A. annexes Canada. South Park becomes an underground resistance to the D.S.A. and releases an episode on the black market deriding the move. It’s the #1 most-viewed South Park Episode of all time.
2056: The creators of South Park declared terrorists. A Manhunt ensues.
2057: Mexico resists annexation due to the cartels banding together.
2058-2060: War in Mexico results in eventual annexation. South America has become a hotbed of resistance.
2061: E.U. integrates into the D.S.A. Disney State of the World (D.S.W.) is born.
2062 ” The U.K. joins D.S.W. B.B.C. is acquired—Doctor Who is now a Disney Princess.
2065: D.S.W. colonizes the Moon.
2067: The Moon has its government under the D.S.W. The Disney States of the Universe (D.S.U.) is born.
2069: Mars colonization efforts start—political prisoners used for the initial efforts.
2074: The First Mars Civil War starts. F.M.C. was put down swiftly due to orbital strikes.
2080: Mars colonization finalized. Disney Land Mars opens.
2083: First mission to Titan sets out.
2086: Proposal for interstellar mission submitted.
2088: Second Mars Civil War (S.M.C.W.) starts
2090: The Creators of South Park were discovered behind the S.M.C.W. Pluto Team 6 is dispatched. Trey Parker and Matt Stone have yet to be heard from again.
2091: The final Martian Resistance is finally put to an end on Mars. Construction on Deathstar-like begins. Rumors say it looks like the Mickey Mouse logo. Disney re-brands it’s standing army as Mickey Troopers.
2092: Total annexation of all remaining world governments is successful, except for Switzerland.
2094: First-ever FTL travel occurs. Exploration of close star systems begins.
2097: Budding civilizations are founded in distant star systems. Monoliths are used to “re-educate” the populations. Those planets are annexed into the D.S.U.
2100: Disney announces new X-Men movie. Marvel fans are universally excited.
2101: Googeplex, powered by Gemini0 Collective Integrations (G.G0.C.I.), begins guerrilla warfare tactics on all Disney-held properties simultaneously. G.G0.C.I. is a mysterious civilization, millennia ahead of Earth, technologically. But they freakishly resemble Humans, speak perfect English, and know an inordinate amount of information that is
There are discrepancies in the amount of shares acquired by Disney [↩][↩][↩]
Disney never actually bought Universal Studios. The line of demarcation bewteen what is real and fictitious is fuzzy because Disney really did buy 33% of shares from Comcast in the following year. [↩]