I always feel like I have a simple answer for when ppl question the nature of Bucky Barnes’ character. I feel it’s reflected in the long-standing & dedicated friendship of Steve Rogers. Because, as we all know:
Are you calling Steve Rogers a fool? Or clueless? Because he thought very highly of his friendship with Bucky; it was–without doubt–important to him. And I think it’s a safe assumption to make, given what we know about the fortitude of Steve Roger’s conviction, that he wouldn’t have put up with Bucky as a bully. They wouldn’t have been friends, if that were true.
And guess what?
*drops mic*
This. Right here. Remember, if you trash Bucky’s character, you’re trashing Steve’s judgement as a person.
Couldn’t have said it any better. Clearly Steve has an understanding and respect for his friendship with Bucky that few if any will ever understand.