
“It turns out the 2018 midterm elections were pretty much a rout. Counting all the votes makes all the difference in the world. In the House, as of this writing, the Democratic gains are up to 30 with about five more races still to be called — in which Democrats are leading. A gain of 35 seats would be the largest House pickup for Democrats since the first post-Watergate midterm election in 1974. The Democrats picked up seven governorships, with Stacey Abrams, as of now, still fighting to make it to a runoff in Georgia, and Andrew Gillum trailing by 0.4 percentage points, enough to trigger a recount in Florida. In the Senate, Democrats may not quite have pulled off an inside straight, but they had two aces — in Nevada and Arizona. With 26 seats to defend, many in red states, it now looks as if their losses will be small. Democrats won in Nevada and are now poised to pick up a seat in Arizona.”

Three days later: Hey, Republicans really did get clobbered

Early on Election night, idiot relic James Carville told progressives that there was no Blue Wave. This set a narrative that idiot right wing dickheads were happy to run with, because it demoralizes progressives and our allies.

When this is all done, it looks like the “not a blue wave” will result in Democrats controlling the House after winning around THIRTY seats, and Republicans will continue to control the Senate after picking up a single seat.

It’s clear and undeniable that America is fed up with Trump and people like him, and it’s clear and undeniable that Americans are overwhelmingly good and decent people who reject Fascism and Authoritarianism.

Don’t let Trump and his lying allies trick you into thinking that America is the country they want it to be, because it’s very clear that it isn’t. To be sure, there are pockets of regressive, racist, revanchist trash in our country, but they are outnumbered by those of us who reject everything they stand for.

It’s heartbreaking to lose close races, but we must remember that the forces of evil have rigged the game against the forces of good, and they are still either losing or barely winning. 

Have faith in your fellow humans. We’re going to prevail, together.

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