June 8th 1949: Nineteen Eighty-Four published
this day in 1949, the famous novel Nineteen Eight-Four by English writer George Orwell was published. Born Eric Arthur Blair, he penned his first
poem when he was four years old, and had his first poem published in a
newspaper at age eleven. Blair studied at the prestigious Eton school,
and went on to work for the imperial police in Burma. After he returned
to England, he adopted the pseudonym George Orwell and published his
first book – Down and Out in Paris and London – in
1933. Even in his early works Orwell demonstrated a keen interest in
political issues, and offered a sharp critique of the British class
system and colonialism. In 1936 he joined the international brigades
fighting in the Spanish Civil War on the side of the Republicans,
against the fascist Francisco Franco. He was injured in the fighting in
Spain, and his health didn’t improve when he returned to England, where
he was diagnosed with tuberculosis. He continued to write, and worked
for the BBC as a propagandist during the Second
World War, before resigning in 1943. It was after he left the BBC that
Orwell wrote his two most famous works – Animal Farm (1945), and Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949).
The latter is a dystopian novel, set only
thirty-five years after it was written, that envisioned a world
characterised by excessive government control and curtailment of civil
liberties. This novel, which followed protagonist Winston Smith, introduced several phrases into the lexicon that
are still used today, including ‘Big Brother’, ‘doublethink’, ‘Room
101’, and ‘thought-police’. Orwell achieved great success with these two
works, but sadly lost his ongoing struggle with tuberculosis in 1950.“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”