Voltron Humans Are Weird 1/?


“C’mon Keith! Just follow the instructions! When I say Vol, you say Tron! VOL-”

“Voltron?” Lance facepalmed for what felt like the millionth time, a headache already forming once again. He’d been trying for a week to get his teammate to understand the chant, but he just couldn’t get it! It was frustrating beyond belief.

“PALADINS! THE GALRA ARE APPROACHING! TO YOUR LIONS!” Allura’s voice rang out from the speakers in the hallways, and both Paladins wasted no time rushing to their hangars. Shiro was already out and racing towards their enemies, and Lance and Keith followed soon after. Hunk was the last one out, once more complaining about the stupid zipline not supporting his weight.

There were three cruisers advancing on the group, and fighter jets rushed towards the humans in droves. The team began blasting immediately, explosions lighting up the nearby space more than the stars and the Castle’s light. They fought hard, but it was obvious they couldn’t do much individually.

“We need Voltron!” Shiro called out, and the group went into formation. As they did, an idea struck Lance.

“WHAT TEAM?” he screamed as they merged.

“WILDCATS!” four voices screamed back. The Paladins felt the rush of confidence that came from the simple call and response, and it was enough to let them finish off the Galran ships in only a few minutes.

The humans boarded the Castle laughing, meeting in the lounge with grins firmly in place.

“Lance, that was perfect,” Hunk told his friend, pulling the other into a side-hug. “I can’t believe none of us have done that sooner.”

“Well, I thought it was better than the Voltron chant,” the Blue Paladin responded, eyeing Keith.

“That one actually makes sense,” the boy said defensively, arms crossed.

“That’s why I think it’s better. The Voltron one makes sense to most of us, this one makes sense to all of us.”

“Excuse me,” a voice interrupted. The Paladins turned towards Allura, only now noticing she had entered the room. Both her and Coran seemed rather confused. “But, who are the Wildcats? They are a team? Of what?” Pidge smirked at the princess, glasses glinting in the artificial lighting.

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