
“I always wanted to be a character actor, even when I was stuck inside a corset playing innocent girls. I always thought that they were so passive, which I now see as unfair. They weren’t passive; they were these amazing, dynamic women from the novels. But I’m afraid that’s how I saw it.”

Happy 49th birthday to the remarkable Helena Bonham Carter (May 26th,1966)



‘Star Trek’ Actress Nichelle Nichols Suffers Stroke

“Nichelle Nichols, who starred in the original Star Trek TV series back in the 1960s, has suffered a stroke.

According to a statement on her official Facebook, Nichols suffered the “mild stroke” Wednesday night at her home in L.A. “She is currently undergoing testing to determine how severe the stroke was. Please keep her in your thoughts,” her rep said…”

Keep reading at hollywoodreporter


This is what I get for sleeping, I miss important shit like this.



Post-it Notes Left on the Train

Writer and illustrator October Jones, the creative genius behind Text From Dog and these funny train commute doodles, is at it again with these hilarious motivational post-it notes that he leaves on the train and in other random places.The upbeat doodles, which star Jones’ adorable character Peppy the Inspirational Cat, convey positive and funny messages meant to motivate daily commuters. Whether you’re feeling the Monday blues or in need of some encouragement, Jones’ delightful post-it notes are sure to brighten your day and remind you just how awesome you are.

Via My Modern Metropolis 

I’m glad I refound this I needed it

This is just fucking awesome. And I’m not a fan of motivational shit like this at all.

Characterization and Bucky Barnes





I always feel like I have a simple answer for when ppl question the nature of Bucky Barnes’ character. I feel it’s reflected in the long-standing & dedicated friendship of Steve Rogers. Because, as we all know:




Are you calling Steve Rogers a fool?  Or clueless?  Because he thought very highly of his friendship with Bucky; it was–without doubt–important to him.  And I think it’s a safe assumption to make, given what we know about the fortitude of Steve Roger’s conviction, that he wouldn’t have put up with Bucky as a bully. They wouldn’t have been friends, if that were true. 

And guess what?


*drops mic*

This. Right here. Remember, if you trash Bucky’s character, you’re trashing Steve’s judgement as a person.


Couldn’t have said it any better. Clearly Steve has an understanding and respect for his friendship with Bucky that few if any will ever understand.