Anxiety attacks aren’t always hyperventilating and rocking back and forth

Anxiety attacks can take different forms, such as:

  • Unpredictable bouts of rage or irritability
  • Nit-pickiness (obsessive behavior, which may be a part of OCD), and even a hypersensitivity to disarray, chaos, or any sort of change
  • Fast-talking, stuttering, stumbling over words
  • Not talking at all
  • Sitting rigid, staring into space, almost seeming “zoned out”

Understanding the way our or other’s anxiety works can help to decrease the stigma and help to calm a person faster and get them out of that state. These are just a few, but it gives an idea of the range in which attacks can come.

Yes. Pay attention to this.






Holy shit.

I would spend my life here

Some of the best used bookstores are set up like amazing firetraps.

…I see they have a few books.


Ware! Oh weary traveler! The bookmaze is easy to get lost in. Many o’ traveler and hero alike have attempted to brave the bookmaze known colloquially as theusedbookstore, never to be seen or heard from again. If you happen across some bones, do not fret, take comfort in knowing that this person died happily lost in a book.