Month: May 2013
nothing hurts more than being ignored by cats on the street
A little more relevant if not just as abstract as Sigmund Freud.
Just look into Henry’s eyes for a little while.
Fuck you Vimo
I was going to post a video of NiN’s “Broken EP” Short Film turned into a 20min snuff film, but I can’t because of this.
“Page not found
Sorry, "Nine Inch Nails: "Broken” Movie (1993) [NSFW – GRAPHIC CONTENT]“ was deleted at 3:14:41 Mon May 6, 2013.
We have no more information about it on our mainframe or elsewhere.”
Teddy Has An Operation – YouTube
Teddy Has An Operation – YouTube
I am disappointed in the lack of reblogs for this. Seriously people, ITS A FUCKING TEDDY BEAR HAVING SURGERY, with real organs, toys, unicorns, and mother fucking SPRINKLES!
This is awesome! WATCH IT!
oh god what did i do
When I see this, I worry on “whom did I insult.”
This is almost as frightening as