Month: May 2013
Straight up love affair right hear. And I’ll shamelessly admit it.
This is hilarious and MASSIVELY NOT SAFE FOR WORK
This is hilarious and MASSIVELY NOT SAFE FOR WORK
So if you look at it (and you should because it’s equal parts WTF and OMGLOL), you have been warned.
My brain. It hurts! Unsee it, I cannot!
Confidence comes with knowledge of the consequences and a willingness to take responsibility for them.
“This gorgeous Hälssen & Lyon calendar is made of brewable tea. Each day is made of fine pressed wafer thin tea leaves.”
This. Where cannot be gotten?
Must Have: Alice in Wonderland Poster
The poster contains the entire text of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and is completely legible.
“Just staring at the wall,” will have a whole new meaning…
This, I MUST have it!