I do some of my deepest thinking in the shower.
Really … some of my greatest epiphanies come from sitting on the toilet.
I do some of my deepest thinking in the shower.
Really … some of my greatest epiphanies come from sitting on the toilet.
I do believe George Taeki just trolled Battle Star Galactica
The Price – Neil Gaiman
Neil Gaiman’s “The Price”
Tramps and vagabonds have marks they make on gateposts and trees and…
Loki breaking his back a billion times in Avengers.
Loki getting the ass-whopin’ of his life by The Hulk was prolly the second best part of The Avengers. The absolutely best part is when Captain America tells The Hulk to Smash, that shitty grin he has on his face tells a lot more then one would think, for me, it told me that The Hulk is not some mindless beast who only knows destruction, but it was a flash of intelligence and understanding. The third best part, which is not shown in this sequence is when The Hulk deadarm punches Iron Man after the fight is over.
me in my head: i’m going to get my life together and read classic novels and drink green tea and eat really healthy and wear cute outfits and make interesting artwork and spend lots of time outside. i’m going to start biking everywhere and walking and listening to lots of new indie bands that i’ve always wanted to listen to and take bubble baths and my life is just going to be amazing.
me in reality: well. today i think i’m going to watch netflix in my pjs and eat ice cream. and if i’m feeling really productive i might shower.
I guess this makes me unique, cause I do read classic novels, currently reading “David Copperfield” by Charles Dickens and I do tend to watch netflix as well.
When will 3D printers get turned into Matter-to-Energy/Energy-to-matter replicators?
Friend to Barf, the Mog!