It’s always nice to be followed to the bathroom …
Month: November 2012
I’ve thought for a long time about laving everything behind and walking out on this life. I’ve been lost for a long time. I really need to find myself.
I need to make myself some of these…
Physical Geology
Is teh suck. This professor pulls the most obsecure facts from the textbook ad talks about them on the quiz like they are actually interesting… Um, hello! This is a GenEd course, not an upper-level Doctoral program course….
Rather freighting that I’d have to work 138hrs/mo at minimum wage, *JUST* to afford rent. This doesn’t take into account other requirements such as utilities, car payments and gas (or public transportation fees) and food. Think about it… $7.25 * 138 = $1,000.50. If you only work your 40 hrs/wk for an average of 4 weeks a month, you only get 160hrs in a month, the differences only adds $160 to your monthly paycheck.
So how exactly are people supposed to live like this?
Loki, being lazy on a lazy Saturday.
Java sucks
Java sucks big, hairy, wet, smelly monkey nuts. That is all.
of course it does
and it tries to offer you the kitchen sink too
fuck the ksink
Brain seepage
(08:19:45 PM) Chris: I think my brain just tried to leak out of my right ear to try and get away from this.
(08:27:23 PM) Don: hahaha
(08:27:53 PM) Chris: I’m glad my torture can amuse you 😎
My loyalty and my love knows no bounds. If I could wait centuries, or even millennia for someone, then I will.
This is about how I feel about this Java project. An extra two days to work on it after not having power for a week is just not enough! Where is my Flux Capacitor? I need to go back in time two weeks and go where Sandy didn’t hit.