God: Hey Jews.
Jews: Hey.
God: So listen, guys, I’m thinking we go in a different direction with this whole religion.
Jews: What?
God: You know, do a non-gritty reboot. Same God taste, new God packaging. That sort of thing.
Jews: We don’t follow.
God: Okay, work with me here, guys….
Category: Uncategorized
I’ve posted it once and I’ll post it again.
It should be a rule of Halloween that you must honor this man in some way or another.
I think I laughed too hard, everyone in my class is staring at me omg
Nearly stepped on this coming out of work tonight.
I Set Up A Donation Button
So as many of you know, My mom has been out of work since late June for medical reasons. And I never really went into details but with how things are now I guess I will share everything.
My mom started having pains in the middle of May and told us it felt like her…