This excellent visual representation of that old scam, “trickle down economics”, has been all over Twitter recently.
And then the glass on top gets too big and too full and all the other little glasses below it break and then they all shatter.
And the big glass blames the little glasses for not working hard enough to hold it up.
Here’s the thing though, as the top glass gets bigger, the little glasses below it will distribute the enormous weight of the single monstrously larger glass for a consider amount of time before one of them breaks. It will only take one to topple, but how long are you willing to wait for that one to break?
Sometimes i wish i didnt put my real name on here.
I mean for the most part i dont give a shit, but every so often i get messages from men (usually way older than me,but really all ages) who will be like “ hello Amanda, how are you doing today beautiful” and other things like that.. Sometimes they just say hello Amanda.. But idk, it kind of makes me uncomfortable, if that makes sense.
Idk, like you know in silence of the lambs when hannibal lecter says “hello clarice”… I feel like its being said to me like that. All creepy like.
This was gonna be a reply, then I exceeded the character limit, so an open discussion it is
In certain mediums, a real name just isn’t worth disclosing. I actually rather enjoy the anonymity that Tumblr provided by not allowing me to disclose my real name (which is why my blog name is a genderless pseudonym and will remain as such), whereas my identity on Facebook *is* known, but only if you know where to actually look for me.